Second year AuD students at UCSD participate in varying degrees in clinical activities in a busy neurotology clinic. Students can follow patients from initial assessments, to diagnosis, to surgery and follow-up treatment during the course of the year. They interact with neurotologists, nurse practioners, medical students, residents and fellows, and professionals in interdisciplinary healthcare teams. Each student rotates through a variety of clinics where, with 100% supervision, they learn to take thorough case histories; administer and interpret tests; formulate treatment plans; advise, educate and counsel patients; and provide treatment for a primarily adult population:


Audiology Clinic: Each student is assigned to an Audiology Clinic each quarter with one of 4 preceptors. Typical experiences encompass audiologic assessment and (re)habilitation:


Comprehensive audiologic assessments:

Puretone audiometry

Speech recognition threshold

Word recognition testing

Immittance assessment

Multifrequency/multicomponent tympanometry

Tests of malingering

Otoacoustic emission measurements


Audiologic Rehabilitation:

Assist with prescription/dispensing of hearing aids using real-ear probe measures to verify fittings

Troubleshoot and make hearing aid repairs

Patient orientation and fittings for Baha

Patient and family member counseling re: listening strategies

Selection of assistive listening devices

Tinnitus evaluations and treatments

Provision of noise protection and musician earphones


Additional experiences are also completed each of the following areas:


Balance Clinic Rotation


Vestibular rehabilitation


Cochlear Implant Clinic Rotation

Cochlear implant evaluations, mapping and reprogramming in adults up to 90+ years old.


Cystic Fibrosis Clinic Rotation

Working side-by-side with physicians, nurses, nutritionists, social workers, pulmonary specialists, AuD students identify patients at risk for ototoxicity and then monitor hearing and vestibular function.

Ototoxic monitoring via ultrahigh frequency audiometry and otoacoustic emissions


Auditory and Vestibular Evoked Potentials Rotation

Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response (BAER)

Electrocochleography (EcoG)

Cochlear Hydrops Analysis Masking Procedure (CHAMP)


Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (VEMP)

Electroneurography (EnoG)


Intraoperative Monitoring

Students will complete a surgical observation in which intra-operative monitoring is  performed. This is a requirement of AUD 275.


Childrens Hospital Observation

In preparation for pediatric audiology rotations in Year 3, students in Year 2 complete observations in two interdisciplinary clinics, the Craniofacial Clinic and the Cleft Palate Clinic.


UCSD Student Run Free Clinic

UCSD Student-Run Free Clinic Project, in partnership with the community, provides accessible, quality healthcare for the underserved in a respectful environment in which students, health professionals, patients, and community members learn from one another.


Preceptorship in Otolaryngology

Students complete a 10-week rotation with a neurotologist in a busy clinic. This occurs alongside medical students, residents, and fellows. The experience includes clinical observation of pre- and post-surgical patients being evaluated and treated for outer/middle/inner ear disorders and balance disorders and treatments such as:

Meniere's Disease

Cochlear and vestibular hydrops


Complications of otitis media (e.g. cholesteatoma, mastoiditis)

Autoimmune inner ear disorders(AIED)

Sudden sensorineural hearing loss

Acoustic neuroma


Temporal bone factures

Medical/legal cases

Vestibular disorders (e.g. labyrinthitis, BPPV)

Implanted hearing aids (e.g. BAHA)

Vascular loop compression of the VIIIth cranial nerve

Eustachian tube dysfunction assessment

External otitis

3rd window pathologies such as superior canal dehiscence.

Surgery observations have included:

Tympanoplasty, stapedectomy, labrynthectomy, endolymphatic shunt, meatalplasty, mastoidectomy, BAHA, exostoses excision, fistula repair, cholesteatoma and acoustic neuroma removal, and cochlear implantation.

AuD student discusses a case with Nurse Practitioner Sharon Mick.

Clinical Experiences at UCSD


SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral Program in Audiology

Balance Clinic with Dr. Benitez is always interesting and fun.  Left to right: Kristen Cowart, Lesli Guthrie, Luis Benitez. 2004

Discussing cases during Preceptorship in otolaryngology with UCSD neurotologists and medical residents.

Students observe ear surgeries during preceptorship with UCSD neurotologists.


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