
This is a sample course schedule for one academic year. Variations may occur year to year as we continually improve our program. Access the current UCSD Catalog here.

Ear Diseases and Treatment

Temporal Bone Anatomy and Neurophysiology

Advanced Amplification

Elective (see below)

Clinical Practice in Audiology (with ototoxic monitoring rotation)

Clinical Case Studies and Staffing (includes Children’s Hospital observation)

Intraoperative Monitoring (includes IOM observation)

Auditory Processing Assessment and Management

Hot Topics and Professional Issues in Audiology

Clinical Practice in Audiology (with balance assessment rotation)

Clinical Case Studies and Staffing

Preceptorship in Neuro-Otology (includes surgery observations)

Physiologic and Behavioral Tests of Vestibular Function

Aural Rehabilitation

Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Sensory Aids

Clinical Practice in Audiology

Clinical Case Studies and Staffing

Sample Fall Quarter

Sample Spring Quarter

Sample Winter Quarter

Model labyrinth built by Dr. Benitez.

Lindsey Moneymaker on the way to surgery observation.

UCSD Thornton Hospital in the Spring.

Elective Course Information:


Each student completes one approved elective course during Year II. May be taken Fall, Winter or Spring Quarter. Instructor permission is often required for many of the courses. Electives are often chosen from School of Medicine Schedule of Elective Courses, and must be approved by the student’s academic advisor.

Note: Courses in the School of Medicine follow an earlier schedule than AuD courses).

Good choice for a research focus (but not limited to):

FPM 285 Issues and Dilemmas/Clinical Trials


Popular choices (but not limited to):

FPM 241 Aging Social and Health Policy Issues

FPM 243 Genetics and Preventative Medicine

FPM 245 Elements of International Medicine

FPM 246 Occupational/Environmental Health

FPM 252 Doctors of the World-Case Studies in Global Health

FPM 260 Cases/Health Care Programs; Poor and Underserved Populations

FPM 272 Community Advocacy (UCSD Student Run Free Clinic)


Other courses must be approved by the academic advisor.


SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral Program in Audiology


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