Research Experiences

A wide variety of doctoral research projects are completed by each student under the mentorship of either SDSU or UCSD faculty.  Sample list of projects done with UCSD mentors:


Ototoxicity monitoring of adult patients with cystic fibrosis, Aaron Jones, Sp2008.

ECoG: Area under the curve analysis vs. SP/AP ratio, Dave Stewart;  Sp2008.

CHAMP results for patients with possible Menieres disease, Yan Li; Su2008.

UHF hearing in patients with cystic fibrosis treated with tobramycin. Carrie Lakin, Su2008.

Normative values for tests of Eustachian tube function, Ariz Slali: Sp2009.

Hearing sensitivity in HIV patients, Nicole Conrad, Sp2009.

Comparison of ECoG and CHAMP test results for cochlear hydrops, Jerilyn Dutton; Sp2009.

CHAMP: Early and late wave V identification for improved test performance, Sasha Fischang, Sp2009.

Retrospective Chart Review of Exostosis Prevalence and Surgical Procedure, John King, Sp2009.

Effectiveness of a tinnitus seminar, Caton Harris, Sp2009

Effects of Phosphodiesterase (PDE)-V inhibitors on cochlear hair cells and spiral ganglion nerve cells, Barbara Harris, Sp2009

Multifrequency tympanometry in patients with Meniere’s disease, Megan Spansail, Sp2010.

Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in normal subjects, Colleen Benson, Su2010.

Carhart-notch resolution, Arineh Khatchatoorians, Sp2011.

Sox 11 Expression in Developing Inner ears of Mice, Rachel Weichert, F2011

Response variability of the ocular VEMP, Jasmine Hu, Sp2012.

Hearing loss following gamma knife radiosurgery for acoustic neuroma, Robin Williams, Sp2013.

Pupilometry as a measure of listening effort in patients with cochlear implants, Stephani Gonzales, Sp2013.

“Relationship between tobramycin peak/trough values and change in hearing levels”, Beth Harris, pending.

“Establishment of normative variability in DPOAE and hearing levels for application in assessing acute change in inpatients receiving ototoxic medications”, Hang Lam, pending.

“Efficiency of two SRT methods”.  Gina Gabrielli, pending.

“Development of an iPad/iPhone application for self-administered ototoxic monitoring.” Leah Martin, pending.



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