Comprehensive Research Center in Health Disparities UCSD
Dr. Broyles' Selected Publications

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  1. Iannotti RJ SJ, Chen R, Broyles SL, Elder JP, & Nader PR. Prospective analyses of relationships between mothers' and children's physical activity. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 2005;2:16-34. In press.

  2. Elder JP, Broyles SL, Brennan JJ, Zuniga de Nuncio ML, Nader PR. Acculturation, parent-child acculturation differential, and chronic disease risk factors in a Mexican-American population. J Immigr Health 2005;7(1):1-9.

  3. Nader PR, Broyles SL, Brennan JJ, Taras HL. 2003. Two national surveys on pediatric training and activities in school health: 1991 and 2001. Pediatrics 111(4):730-734.

  4. Morgan CF, McKenzie TL, Sallis JF, Broyles SL, Zive MM, Nader PR. 2003. Personal, social, and environmental correlates of physical activity in a bi-ethnic sample of adolescents. Pediatric Exercise Science 15(3): 288-301.

  5. Frank GC, Nader PR, Zive MM, Broyles SL, Brennan JJ. 2003. Retaining school children and families in community research: lessons from the study of children's activity and nutrition (SCAN). Journal of School Health 73(2):51-57.

  6. McKenzie TL, Sallis, JF, Broyles SL, Zive MM, Nader PR, Berry CC, Brennan JJ. 2002. Childhood movement skills: Predictors of physical activity in Anglo- and Mexican-American adolescents? Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 73(3): 238-244.

  7. Saelens BE, Sallis JF, Nader PR, Broyles SL, Berry CC, Taras HL. 2002. Home environmental influences on children's television watching from early to middle childhood. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 23(3):127-132.

  8. Masui R, Sallis JF, Berry CC, Broyles SL, Elder JP, Nader PR, Zive MM. 2002. The relationship between health beliefs and behaviors and dietary intake in early adolescence. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 102(3): 421-424.

  9. Sallis JF, Greenlee L, McKenzie TL, Broyles SL, Zive MM, Berry CC, Brennan JJ & Nader PR. 2001. Changes and Tracking of physical activity across seven years in Mexican-American and European-American Children. Women & Health 34(4): 1-14.

  10. Broyles SL, Sallis JF, Zive MM, Elder JP, Berry CC, McKenzie TL, Hoy PL, Nader PR. 1999. Correlations among physical activity and eating behaviors in 4- to 7-year-old Anglo- and Mexican-American children. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 20:405-410.

  11. Zive MM, Frank-Spohrer GC, Sallis JF, McKenzie TL, Elder JP, Berry CC, Broyles SL, Nader PR. Nov 1998. Determinants of dietary intake in a sample of white and Mexican-American children. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 98:1282-9.

  12. Elder JP, Broyles SL, McKenzie TL, Sallis JF, Berry CC, Davis TB, Hoy PL, Nader PR. 1998. Direct home observations of the prompting of physical activity in sedentary and active Mexican- and Anglo-American children. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 19:26-30.

  13. McKenzie TL, Sallis JF, Elder JP, Berry CC, Hoy PL, Nader PR, Zive MM, Broyles SL. 1997. Physical activity levels and prompts in young children at recess: a two-year study of a bi-ethnic sample. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 68:195-202.

  14. Sallis JF, McKenzie TL, Elder JP, Broyles SL, Nader PR. 1997. Factors parents use in selecting play spaces for young children. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 151:414-7.

  15. Broyles SL, Nader PR, Sallis JF, Frank-Spohrer GC, Berry CC, McKenzie TL, Elder JP. 1996. Cardiovascular disease risk factors in Anglo- and Mexican-American children and their mothers. Family and Community Health. 19:57-72.

  16. Nader PR, Sallis JF, Broyles SL, McKenzie TL, Berry CC, Davis TB, Zive MM, Elder JP, Frank-Spohrer GC. 1995. Ethnic and gender trends for cardiovascular risk behaviors in Anglo- and Mexican-American children, ages four-seven. Journal of Health Education. 26:S27-S35.

  17. Sallis JF, Berry CC, Broyles SL, McKenzie TL, Nader PR. 1995. Variability and tracking of physical activity over 2 yr in young children. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 27:1042-9.

  18. Sallis JF, Broyles SL, Frank-Spohrer G, Berry CC, Davis TB, Nader PR. 1995. Child's home environment in relation to the mother's adiposity. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders 19:190-7.

  19. Zive MM, Taras HL, Broyles SL, Frank-Spohrer GC, Nader PR. 1995. Vitamin and mineral intakes of Anglo-American and Mexican-American preschoolers. 95:329-35.

  20. Webber LS, Osganian V, Luepker RV, Feldman HA, Stone EJ, Elder JP, Perry CL, Nader PR, Parcel GS, Broyles SL, et al. 1995. Cardiovascular risk factors among third grade children in four regions of the United States. The CATCH Study. Child and Adolescent Trial for Cardiovascular Health. American Journal of Epidemiology 141:428-39.

  21. Sallis JF, Nader PR, Broyles SL, Berry CC, Elder JP, McKenzie TL, Nelson JA. 1993. Correlates of physical activity at home in Mexican-American and Anglo-American preschool children. Health Psychology 12:390-8.

  22. Nader PR, Sallis JF, Abramson IS, Broyles SL, Patterson TL, Rupp JW, Nelson JA. 1992. Family-based cardiovascular risk reduction education among Mexican- and Anglo-Americans. Family and Community Health 15:57-74.

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