The Comprehensive Research Center in Health Disparities
UCSD Health Science's
San Diego EXPORT Center received marked recognition from the
National Institute of Health's
National Center in Minority Health and
Health Disparities (NCMHD) with the
renewal of its grant amounting to over $6 million over the next five years; and, designation
as a Comprehensive Research Center of Excellence in Minority Health and Health Disparities
(CRCHD). This award helps support the research of senior investigators in the fields of genetics,
hypertension and cardiovascular disease; provides funding to students, postdoctoral fellows and
junior faculty who are conducting research in diabetes, liver disease, and healthcare quality;
and supports the evaluation of health programs conducted in community based not-for-profit
agencies in San Diego.
The center's goals addressed by three programmatic
core areas: the Administrative Core, the Research Core, and the
Research Training Core. The Center's programs are designed to achieve the Department of Health
and Human Services Healthy People 2010
goals for the nation in HIV, cardiovascular
disease, and other selected diseases which disproportionately impact various communities. The
center maintains a list of local and national resources that address minority health and health
Diversity and Community Partnerships

The UCSD Comprehensive Research Center in Health Disparities is housed in the Division of
Community Pediatrics within the UCSD School of Medicine. The Division of Community Pediatrics
recently received a Multicultural Heritage Award from the San Diego Business Journal.
Learn more . . . - [ 3.3 mb PDF ]

UCSD Center for Community Health /
Division of Community Pediatrics 