CRCHD activities are divided into 3 cores.

- The Administrative Core, directed by Shelia L. Broyles,
PhD, MPH provides infrastructure for the center and is responsible for ongoing planning,
coordination, oversight, and evaluation.
- The Research Core is directed by
Reznik, MD, MPH
and houses ongoing
and pilot research projects. The goals of this core are to:
- Expand minority health and health disparities research activities by conducting
interdisciplinary biomedical, clinical, behavioral, and community-based applied research.
Focus areas include the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of Cardiovascular, Hepatic,
Glomerular diseases, HIV/AIDS, and Hypertension in Hispanic, African American, Native
American, and other populations at risk for health disparities.
- Provide health information to minority and other underserved communities, as well as
inform the scientific and professional communities about health disparities; and promote
the participation of health disparity groups in biomedical and behavioral research.
The Research Training Core is directed by
Sandra Daley, MD
and provides learning experiences and support for
middle and high school students, undergraduates, graduate and medical students, post-doctoral
students and junior faculty.
- Provide support for release time for minority junior faculty and/or fellows
to participate in a faculty-development training and mentoring program.
- Expand the UCSD CRCHD Research Training Core to include recruitment and support
of minority postdoctoral fellows that are trained in health disparities
research projects and other areas relevant to minority health in partnership with
the Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Award (IRACDA)
Program at SDSU and UCSD and the UCSD Postdoctoral Training in Cardiovascular
Physiology and Pharmacology Program.
- Conduct required courses and in partnership with the San Diego Foundation,
conduct applied research in community settings for students at SDSU Graduate
School of Public Health, the SDSU/UCSD Joint PHS Doctoral program in
Public Health - Epidemiology and Health Behaviors emphasizing the evaluation
of community-based programs designed to improve health outcomes in minority
- Conduct a dual degree MD/Masters Program in Medical Education-Health Disparities
and Health Equity designed to prepare clinician investigators, scholars and advocates.
- Provide mentoring, academic enrichment activities and laboratory and applied
research experiences in the biomedical and behavioral sciences for undergraduate
students from health disparity populations to address minority health and
health disparities through multidisciplinary research.
- Utilizing a WEB-based database, conduct an annual tracking of program of
participants for ten years to determine educational and career outcomes.
CRCHD Boiler Plate -
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