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AIDS Research Information Center

AIDS Research Institute
The AIDS Research Institute (ARI) coordinates and integrates all AIDS research activities at the University of California, San Francisco. ARI stimulates innovation and supports interdisciplinary collaboration aimed at all aspects of the epidemic domestically and around the world. Bringing together hundreds of scientists and dozens of programs from throughout the University and affiliated labs and institutions, and working in close collaboration with affected communities, ARI is the largest AIDS research entity in the world outside of the National Institutes of Health.

AIDS Research Alliance of America
AIDS Research Alliance is working to find the most effective drug therapies and to discard highly touted therapies that show little or no benefit for treatment of HIV. This progress is critical as we tackle HIV on all fronts: striving to improve the quality of life for people living with HIV and working with our ultimate goal-a cure for HIV/AIDS-always in mind.

National Institute of Health Office of AIDS Research
The NIH Office of AIDS Research (OAR) is located within the Office of the Director of NIH and is responsible for the scientific, budgetary, legislative, and policy elements of the NIH AIDS research program.

CFAR — Center for AIDS Research at University California, San Diego
The current UCSD Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) is a major component of the AIDS Research Institute (ARI), an Organized Research Unit at the University of California San Diego. The CFAR is expanding to become a regional, comprehensive AIDS Research Center, with participating members drawn from the UCSD community as well as collaborating members from neighboring institutions including:

Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center
Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center is committed to finding solutions to end the AIDS epidemic. In the decade and a half since HIV was identified, researchers have learned more about this virus than about any other in history. All of us remain optimistic that research will ultimately succeed in finding a way out of the crisis.

UCSF Center for AIDS Prevention Studies

Duke University AIDS Research and Treatment Center

Johns Hopkins AIDS Service

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Last modified 03/11/2012
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