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- Schwimmer
JB, McGreal N, Deutsch R, Finegold MJ, Lavine JE. “The
Influence of Gender, Race, and Ethnicity on Suspected Fatty
Liver in Obese Adolescents”. Pediatrics 115(5):e561-5,
Schwimmer JB, Khorram O, Chiu V, Schwimmer WB. “Abnormal
Aminotransferase Activity in Women with Polycystic Ovary
Syndrome”. Fertility and Sterility 83(2):494-7, 2005.
- Lavine
JE, Schwimmer JB. “NAFLD in the Pediatric Population”.
Clinics in Liver Disease 8 549-558, 2004.
Schwimmer JB. “Managing Overweight in Older Children
and Adolescents”. Pediatric Annals 33: 39-44, 2004.
Schwimmer JB. “Childhood Obesity: The Case for
Coverage”. Harvard Health Policy Review 4:62-72, 2003
- Schwimmer
JB, Deutsch R, Rauch J, Behling C, Newbury R, , Lavine J.
“Obesity, Insulin Resistance and other Clinicopathological
Correlates of Pediatric Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease”.
Journal of Pediatrics 143: 500-505, 2003.
- Schwimmer
JB, Lavine JE. "The Lumen and Liver - Together Again in
NASHville". Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
37:523-524, 2003.
- Lavine
JE, Schwimmer JB. “Pediatric Initiatives within the
Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis – Clinical Research
Network (NASH-CRN).” Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology
and Nutrition 37: 220-221, 2003.
Schwimmer JB, Burwinkle TM, Varni JW. Health Related Quality
of Life of Severely Obese Children. Journal of the American
Medical Association 289: 1813-1819, 2003.
- Schwimmer
JB, Ee L, Zheng S, Tso P: Glutamine Promotes Triglyceride
Absorption in a Dose-dependent Manner. American Journal
of Physiology Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 282(2):G317-23,
- Schwimmer JB, Balistreri WF: The Transmission, Natural
History and Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in
the Pediatric Age Population. Seminars in Liver Disease
20: 37-46, 2000.
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