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- Hayden-Wade
HA, Stein RI, Ghaderi A, Saelens BE, Zabinski MF, Wilfley
DE. Prevalence, characteristics, and correlates of teasing
experiences among overweight children vs. non-overweight
peers. Obes Res. 2005 Aug;13(8):1381-92. PMID: 16129720
[PubMed - in process]
- Hayden-Wade, H.A., Leslie, L.K. (2005). Children: Stages
of development and growth. Encyclopedia of Forensic Medicine.
London: Oxford University Press.
- Hayden-Wade,
H.A., Coleman, K., Sallis, J.F., Armstrong, C. (2003). Validation
of the Telephone & In-Person Interview Versions of the
7-Day PAR. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise,
35 (5), 801-809.
- Tanofsky-Kraff, M., Hayden-Wade, H., Cavazos, P., &
Wilfley, D. E. (2003). Pediatric obesity treatment and prevention.
In R. Andersen (Ed.), Obesity: Etiology, Assessment, Treatment,
and Prevention (pp 155-176). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
- Zabinski, M.F., Saelens, B.E., Stein, R.I., Hayden-Wade,
H.A., & Wilfley, D.E. (2003). Overweight children's
barriers to and support for physical activity. Obesity Research,
11, 238-246.
- Dounchis, J.Z., Hayden, H.A., & Wilfley, D.E. (2001). Obesity, eating disorders, and body image in ethnically diverse children and adolescents. In J.K. Thompson and L. Smolak (Eds.) Body Image, Eating Disorders, and Obesity in Children and Adolescents: Theory, Assessment, Treatment, & Prevention. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association
- Wilfley, D.E., Stein, R.I., Hayden, H. A., Dounchis, J.Z., & Zabinski, M.F. (1998). Social Consequences of Childhood Obesity [abstracts]. International Journal of Obesity, 22, (Suppl. 4) S15.
- Beren, S.E., Hayden, H.A., Wilfley, D.E., & Striegel-Moore, R.H. (1997). Body Dissatisfaction among lesbian college students: The conflict of straddling mainstream and lesbian cultures. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 21, 431-445.
- Beren, S.E., Hayden, H.A., Wilfley, D.E., & Grilo, C.M. (1997). The influence of sexual orientation on body dissatisfaction in adult men and women. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 20(2), 135-141.
- Levine, M.P., Smolak, L., & Hayden, H.A. (1994). The relation of sociocultural factors to eating attitudes and behaviors among middle school girls. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 14 (4), 471-490.
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