Welcome to the UCSD Student National Medical Association
An information source for programs and activities available to UCSD Medical Students.
The mission of the Student National Medical Association is:
- To create an atmosphere wherein professional excellence and moral principals can find the fullest expression.
- To promote the dissemination of information relative to minority issues in the field of medical education.
- To take the necessary and proper steps to eradicate practices in the field of health profession education that compromises the goal of providing quality education to minorities and women.
- To promote the development of workable programs of legislative policies for the provision of enhanced access to better health care.
- To promote the sponsorship of programs for minority youth to encourage their entrance into the health professions.
- To promote increases in the levels of minority student recruitment, admissions, and retention in schools training health professionals.
- To encourage and promote the development of minority faculty in order to increase the presence of minority mentors and biomedical researchers in academic health centers.
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