Charter of the UCSD
Radiology Interest Group
This charter is created with the intent to act as a guide to future members of the group. The aim is to sustain continuity among every generation of the group for years to come so that the group will always maintain a high level of purpose and focus.
ARTICLE I: Mission Statement
The UCSD Radiology Interest Group has been formed to provide information about the field of radiology to the broad body of medical students interested in this realm of medicine. We aim to provide students with information and resources about research opportunities in radiology, as well as what a career in radiology might hold. We also intend to aid medical students considering applying to radiology residency programs in understanding the experience in store for them during the application process, and what to expect out of a radiology residency. The primary vehicle to accomplish these goals is through the organization of meetings in which individuals with expertise in various specialties of radiology are invited to speak.
ARTICLE II: Membership
Section 1. Faculty advisor
The faculty advisor shall be an honorary member of the UCSD Radiology Interest Group. This person is the most senior member of the group with advanced knowledge in the field of radiology and the ability to provide continuity for the group over the span of years.
The faculty advisor shall be grandfathered into the position on an annual basis until which time the person no longer wishes to act as faculty advisor or is unable to for another reason.
In the event that a new faculty advisor must be found it will be up to the discretion of the current leadership board to search out and invite a new faculty advisor. If possible, the leadership board should solicit the counsel of the immediate past faculty advisor in this search.
Section 2. Leadership board
The activities of this group shall be run a by a leadership board consisting of five members to include the President, Co-President, Vice President, Secretary / Treasurer and Outreach officers.
The President shall preside over general meetings and leadership board meetings. The president shall coordinate a meeting with the faculty advisor and Co-President in August of each year to create a tentative schedule for the general meetings that will occur over the course of the academic year. Subjects to be determined for each meeting shall include topics of discussion, speakers, and dates. Thereafter the president will serve as the group’s primary liaison with the faculty advisor. This person will also be responsible for soliciting funding for the group from appropriate sources.
The Co-President, shall serve as a stepping stone for perpetuation of the group, provide direction and “big-picture” advice as a fourth year medical student matched / matching to Radiology, and finally serve as a direct node of information to network or resources on matching procedures, other matched 4th years, and resident speakers
The Vice President shall review, maintain, and be responsible for presenting an up-to-date website for the group. This person shall serve as the group’s primary liaison with the Department of Radiology. Also, this person shall coordinate audio-visual support when it is required for any meetings. The Vice President will also serve as the chair in any instance where the current President is absent from a meeting.
The Secretary / Treasurer shall be responsible for coordinating resources. This person will keep an accurate record of meetings & the balance in all of the group’s accounts, and recommend what account to use when funds are to be withdrawn.
The Outreach Officer shall create and maintain an up-to-date list of Radiology faculty who are willing to provide mentorship opportunities to RADIG members including, but not limited to, research, ISPs, or shadowing. This person shall serve as the group’s primary liaison between members and volunteer faculty from the Radiology subspecialty of interest to the member.
Together, all five officers shall be responsible for successfully organizing all group meetings. This responsibility includes inviting speakers, reserving a room, and procuring an appropriate amount of food and beverages.
Section 3. Members at large
Any student enrolled in the UCSD School of Medicine with an interest in radiology shall be considered a member at large and is eligible to attend meetings. Maintaining an active and changing membership directory is not in accordance with the mission of this group.
ARTICLE III: Appointment of Officers
Section 1. Eligibility
Members of the leadership board should be in good standing with SOM, must have a strong interest in pursuing a career in radiology, should be engaged in radiology research and must be motivated to devote the time and energy required to serve on the leadership board.
Section 2. Term of Office
The term of office for all leadership board positions shall be for one year. Medical students shall be limited to one term total on the leadership board.
Section 3. Appointment of Officers
In May of each year the members of the current leadership board will solicit applications for Co-President to the third year class of medical students. At the commencement of the Winter quarter of the following academic year, applications for President, Vice-President, Secretary and Outreach will be given to just the first year class. The call for applications should include a brief description of the group, its mission, and the leadership positions available. Interested students will be asked to apply via a written statement of no greater than one page that describes their interest in radiology, the commitment in time and energy they will be able to make to the group, and a description of leadership roles they have held in the past. Applicants may rank their order of preference for one of the three positions available, and may indicate positions that they are unwilling to accept appointment to.
To maintain a fair process, each applicant will be assigned a number before blinding the names from the applications and passing them on to the leadership board for review. After reviewing all applications each member of the leadership board will rank the applicants. The four applicants with the lowest sum ranks will be offered positions on the following year’s leadership board based on the preferences they requested. In the event of any ties the three members of the leadership board will vote on who should win the tie.
Immediately after selection, a meeting shall be held to officially handover leadership to the new leadership board members. At this meeting this charter will be reviewed with the new leadership board along with counsel on running the interest group. Any documents pertinent to the successful management of the group will also be handed over to all new leadership board members. At the conclusion of the meeting the immediate past leadership board members shall act merely in an advisory manner to the new leadership board members.
Section 4. Removal of officers
If a member of the leadership board is found to be derelict of their duty, a vote of no confidence can made by the other two members of the leadership board. Before a vote can take place, the member found in derelict must be given communication by the other two members stating their grievances, and the defending member must be allowed at least seventy-two hours to appeal with a response to the other two members. A vote of no confidence can take place between seventy-two hours and seven days after due notice has been given. If two members vote no confidence in a third member that member is bound to resign their position on the leadership board.
Section 5. Replacement of officers
Offering the position to the lowest ranked applicant, whom did not receive an offer in the previous application cycle, shall fill offices found vacant for any reason during the academic year. If the position cannot be filled in this manner, then the leadership board may solicit new applications.
Section 1. General meetings open to all members
General meetings should take place at least twice per quarter with approximately one month’s time elapsing between meetings. Notice of a group meeting should be sent to all medical students at least one week prior to the meeting using email, forum post, and student calendar with a reminder notice sent two days before the meeting. Notice must also be communicated to the student council via email. Notice will include the date, time, location, topic, speaker of the meeting, and the student introducing the speaker.
General meetings will begin with a pre-selected student introducing the speakers, including their accomplishments, the nature of their talk, and a notice that questions may be asked. The person introducing the speakers shall be given a minimum of one-week notice prior to the meeting so that they may prepare their comments.
Meeting topics shall be tentatively decided at a meeting with the faculty advisor at the beginning of the academic year. The first meeting of the year should be an introduction to the UCSD Radiology Interest Group and the field of radiology by the faculty advisor. Other meeting topics may include basic science and clinical research opportunities in radiology, the future of radiology, comparison of academic and private practice radiology, and a panel of fourth year medical students matching into radiology.
General meetings shall be open to all students with an interest in radiology, and no official quorum shall be set.
Section 2. Leadership board meetings
Leadership board meetings require the attendance of all leadership board members, and shall take place as needed in preparation for general meetings or for any other order of business. A leadership board meeting can be called for any time by a member of the leadership board provided other leadership board members are given a minimum of three days notice, and the meeting time and location is compatible with all leadership board members’ schedules.
Section 3. Scheduling & Room reservation
Scheduling should take place at least one month in advance to ensure there will be a room available for reservation. The number to call for reservations with UCSD SOM is (858) 822-5741 and the number to call for room reservations at the Leichtag Biomedical Science building is (858) 822 – 3843.
Section 1. Expenditures
Expenditures should include providing food and beverages at every meeting. There should be vegetarian options provided for food, and beverages should include diet and caffeine free varieties. Other items should include ice, cups, plates, napkins, and utensils. Other expenditures may be incurred as needed for meetings or other group related activities. Receipts for all expenditures must be saved for reimbursement purposes.
Section 2. Sources of Reimbursement
The OSA will provide reimbursement funds once per quarter. Other sources, such as the student government, and the department of radiology might also possibly be used.
Section 3. Funding from the Department of Radiology
If expenses for the group exceed what funding from the OSA can cover, then the President may solicit the Department of Radiology to cover the balance. Receipts should be provided to the faculty advisor for reimbursement.
Section 1. Purpose
The website of the UCSD Radiology Interest Group is to serve as an online portal for all medical students with an interest in radiology. It is to provide information on known research or shadowing opportunities in radiology at UCSD. It will also be a repository of helpful online resources. There will be an up-to-date list of the group’s planned activities for the current academic year as well as a posting of the group’s charter.
Section 2. Guidelines
It is essential that the Vice President maintain an active role in presenting RADIG on the web and updating website files, so that when changes must be made to the website they are done quickly. In this manner, the site will always remain an up-to-date and useful resource for students. In particular, the calendar of meetings should be updated no later than September of every year.
Section 1. Proposed Amendments
Proposed amendments to the charter can be made by any member of the UCSD Radiology Interest Group and must be submitted to all members of the leadership board in writing.
Section 2. Ratification of Amendments
Amendments to the charter can be ratified by a two-thirds vote of the leadership board at a leadership board meeting in which all leadership board members are present. Unanimously ratified by the UCSD Radiology Interest Group leadership board on March 2009:
Eric Diaz, MSI, President
Stefan Cordes, MSI, Vice President
Elizabeth Tong, MSI, Secretary / Treasurer
Ilanit Spokoyny, MSI, Outreach Officer
William Bradley, M.D., Faculty Advisor
Haydee Ojeda-Fournier, MD., Faculty Advisor
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