ISP Handbook

Completing the ISP

Upon the completion of your ISP, you MUST complete the following steps in order to meet graduation requirements.

NOTE: This entire process must be completed by April 1st of your final year. However, you can complete your ISP at any time - you do NOT need to wait until your final year!

Step 1 - Submission of the Final Project to Your Committee for review (Deadline, March 1st)

The final ISP must be submitted in a material form, such as a report or manuscript, to all ISP committee members.  While there are no restrictions on the final form of the ISP, students must submit some kind of written description even if an alternative medium such as an audiovisual presentation or computer program is utilized.  This document should include a rationale for the project, as well as a description of project objectives, methods and achievements. Email or review your ISP in person, no need to submit anything to the ISP Tracking Site during this step.

Step 2  – Submission of the Final APPROVED Project and eScholarship Consent Form to the ISP Tracking Site (Deadline April 1st)

Once your chair has reviewed and no further edits are needed to your ISP, please submit an electronic copy of your final ISP to the ISP Tracking Site.

In addition, students now have the option to post their ISPs to a School of Medicine ISP-specific page on eScholarship, which provides open access, scholarly publishing services to the University of California. No ISPs will be posted without the appropriate consent. The eScholarship form can be completed by your Chair on the ISP Tracking Site

Final projects are often submitted for publication in medical journals or presented at scientific meetings.  Projects may also be submitted to relevant community agencies which have a material interest in the study results.

Step 3 – Completion of REQUIRED Evaluations

Following the submission of your project to your ISP committee, both you and your committee must formally evaluate the project and the ISP process.  Specifically, you must evaluate your committee and your overall experience, and your committee must evaluate and approve your final project.  This process will be initiated automatically by the MedHub evaluation system on March 1st of your final year (the deadline to submit a DRAFT of your ISP to your committee). However, if you finish your project early and would like to complete this step prior to April 1, please contact the ISP coordinator to manually initiate the process.



March 1 of Final Year:            Deadline to submit draft of ISP to your committee. (Notifications from MedHub will be sent to your committee to evaluate your project at this time unless you have previously contacted the ISP coordinator to initiate the evaluation process.)
April 1 of Final Year: Deadline to complete ALL STEPS of ISP completion process.

Submit electronic copy of ISP to ISP Tracking Site.

- Chair to submit eScholarship consent form to post ISP.                

- Complete evaluation of ISP committee and experience in MedHub.

- ISP committee completes evaluation of student’s ISP, and ISP chair confirms satisfactory completion of ISP in MedHub.

Students who do not submit the completed approved projects by
April 1 will not be permitted to participate in the graduation exercises.
Students will not be permitted to graduate until an approved project is submitted.

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