ISP Handbook


March 1, third year: Last day to name an ISP Chair
May 1, third year: ISP Proposal and all accompanying forms due to ISP Tracker Site, or student will be prevented from enrolling in his or her first fourth year block. This includes Steps 1-7. 
December 1, fourth year: ISP Proposal must be approved by both the student's ISP Committee and the Electives Committee (or student may not continue fourth-year clerkships)
March 1, fourth year: Deadline to submit completed ISP draft to ISP committee members
April 1, fourth year:

Deadline to complete ALL STEPS of ISP completion process (please also see "Completing the ISP" for full instructions)



1. Submit electronic copy of  final ISP to ISP Tracking Site

2. Chair to submit consent form to post ISP to eScholarship on the ISP Tracking Site.

3. Complete evaluation of ISP committee and experience in OASIS. Evaluations will load in MedHub after final ISP is submitted. 

4. ISP committee completes evaluation of student’s ISP, and ISP chair confirms satisfactory completion of ISP in MedHub. Evaluations will load in MedHub after final ISP is submitted. 

These deadlines are absolutely final, providing the minimum time necessary for the Electives Committee to review proposals and for ISP committees to evaluate final projects.  Failure to meet the May 1, third-year deadline for the ISP proposal will result in submission of the student's name to the Standing and Promotions Committee, and the student will not be allowed to enroll in fourth year courses until a proposal is submitted. Senior students who do not submit their approved ISP by the April 1 deadline will not be allowed to participate in graduation exercises that year.


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