ISP Handbook

What Should the Faculty Expect from the Student?

  1. The student should do most of the work.  It is acceptable for a technician to perform certain assays, depending on the project, or for a faculty member to perform certain procedures on patients.  However, it is critical for the student to perform the "main work" of the ISP.  The student should not function as an unpaid technician who works under the direct supervision of a faculty member.
  2. During the blocks of time the student has committed to work on the ISP, the ISP chair should expect to see or hear from the student on a regular basis.  If a student desires academic credit for work on the ISP, the faculty member must sign an add card.  The amount of credit granted should reflect the time expended by the student.  The ISP chair should not grant academic credit if he or she cannot attest to the fact that the student has worked on the ISP.
  3. The student is responsible for meeting all deadlines associated with the ISP (see Deadlines).  However, the ISP chair should bring these deadlines up for discussion at the appropriate times to assist the student with direction and planning on how these deadlines are to be met in a thoughtful manner.
  4. It is the student's responsibility to involve each member of the ISP committee.  However, the chair may need to point out how the other members of the committee can make meaningful contributions.

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